Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


Welcome to my website… My name is Randall, a veteran Police Officer in the State of GA for the past 19 years. I currently serve as a School Resource Officer in a High School for my Department, but have spent most of my time on Patrol and Supervisory Positions.

Question: Why did I create

Answer: I used an app on the IOS app store called GA Police Guide made by Signal24. I had to pay for the app (well worth the money btw). It was a great app to use and had access to most of the GA laws I needed to know. Unfortunately, the updates to the app had stopped, and the app was discontinued and removed from the IOS store.

This was very frustrating for me as I was very use to the app and could quickly find what I needed… Now I had to use google to search for a specific law and only found outdated versions of GA law. I tried Lexis Nexis; which was not user friendly for a Police Officer on the street.

I go by the saying “If you want something done, do it yourself”.

I decided to create to make my own version of the App I used so much over the years. I wanted to make it so could be accessed from your phone, tablet, or PC (In-car computer or personal computer). I also wanted to make it free for all to use. After a lot of hard work; went live in November 2021.

This website is totally free and I encourage you to share it with your co-workers.

If you like this… show your support by shopping on Amazon using the affiliate link or by clicking on a Google Ad (A little click on an Ad doesn’t seem like a lot, but it does help towards the cost of keeping this website up and running!) 

Stay safe!